delete pictures from IPHONE for ever

the Impossibility of deleting pictures from I PHONE even if they were deleted, the memory saved it and it is can Returned in some programs…
but APPLE found the solution and it’s a feature in every mobile I PHONE and it do not need a program To add it, when trying opening the lock password failed 10 times the mobile will delete everything in the memory and it can’t be return by any program.
this Service cannot be Activated unless the button is pressed..

setting icon
chose the setting icon.

general in I PHONE
chose general.

lock in I PHONE 
chose the Key lock.

password in I PHONE 
enter the secret password ,and this is another feature no one can change the code without entering the password .

deleting data button in IPHONE
we find Below “deleting data” button
press the button and a question will be asked if you want to delete or not .

how to activate
after we press install this feature will be activated

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